"Office has replaced retail as the worst six letter word in real estate.”
Climate risk is financial risk, according to Mindy Lubber.
The last week was light on news from the podcasting world, so Tadas Viskanta jumps right into his selections, with entries touching on high-frequency trading (HFT), crowdfunding's impact on real estate, and David Simon's journey from newspaper reporter to one of the most celebrated television writers and producers.
Tesla, Charlie Munger, post-financial crisis Iceland, and payday loans are among the subjects explored in the latest collection of Tadas Viskanta-curated podcasts.
After vacation last week, Essential Listening has returned and is bursting at the seams with great podcasts. So let's get right down to it.
Uber, middlemen, and whether the US economy is in the midst of a secular slowdown are among the topics covered in Tadas Viskanta's latest roundup of podcasts.
Jack Bogle recalls the origins of Vanguard Group and restaurateur Danny Meyer explains his no-tipping policy in the latest round of Essential Listening podcasts curated by Tadas Viskanta.
The origins of the ETF industry, frequent-flier miles, and income inequality are among the topics explored in Tadas Viskanta's latest compilation of podcasts.
In this week's Essential Listening podcasts, Alex Dalmady talks about detecting financial fraud and Y-Combinator founder Paul Graham discusses the increasingly prominent role of start-up accelerators in the venture capital space.
Looking for something to listen to? Among others, this week features discussions of the global volatility premium, progress towards a humane restaurant industry, and how an Irish cattle farmer became a leading expert on the global economy.