Practical analysis for investment professionals

Quantitative Easing

Have Central Bank Interventions Repriced Corporate Credit? Part 1

Have the Fed's and ECB's purchases of corporate bonds permanently altered the pricing of corporate credit risk?

Geopolitical Shock: Regime Change in Inflation and Monetary Policy

As cracks develop along geopolitical fault lines, new barriers could emerge to disrupt global trade.

Market Resiliency, Capital Formation, and Investing for Our Future

The story of the markets over the last 10 years has been one of remarkable change. Yet economies are still struggling.

Perpetual Debt Is Already Here

The costs and risks associated with debt have shifted from the borrower to the lender.

Concentration Risk on the Buy-Side of Credit Markets: The Causes

What are the effects of buy-side concentration on the structure of the corporate bond market?

Myth-Busting: Money Printing Must Create Inflation

Shouldn't all the recent monetary and fiscal stimulus lead to higher inflation? Maybe not.

Beware the Bubble? The US Stock Market Cap-to-GDP Ratio

The Buffett Indicator is flashing red and has been for a while now.

Book Review: Active Investing in the Age of Disruption

Evan L. Jones’s vantage point as a manager of managers brings invaluable insight to the most vital issues facing investment professionals.

Who’s Afraid of Jerome Powell?

Jerome Powell, Andrew Bailey, and Christine Lagarde shouldn't keep us up at night.