Views on improving the integrity of global capital markets
22 May 2019

A Guide to EU Financial Politics and Policy Development (Podcasts)

Posted In: Market Structure

This series provides a guide to the economic and policy developments within the European Union (EU) and is a must-listen for any student, policy maker, legislator, economist, or corporate strategist seeking a greater understanding of the opportunities, risks, and emerging policy initiatives that will affect the 330 million consumers living there and the companies doing or seeking to do business there.

These podcasts are delivered by Josina Kamerling, head of regulatory outreach for CFA Institute for Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. Benefit from Ms. Kamerling’s six-year odyssey of working with the EU commission and the EU parliament, from advocacy to implementation of key economic and regulatory issues. Along the way Ms. Kamerling shares the unique perspectives she’s gained regarding the body politic that is the EU, describing its wonder, in some respects its majesty, and the perils it faces.

CFA Institute, the global association of investment professionals, sets the standard for professional excellence and credentials and is a champion of ethical behavior in investment markets and a respected source of knowledge in the global financial community. There are more than 163,000 CFA charterholders worldwide in 163 markets. For more information visit, follow on social @MarketIntegrity and @JosinaKamerling or connect with Josina on Linked In.



Controlling or Stimulating: An Analysis of EU Financial Services Policy

In this episode, Josina Kamerling, head of regulatory outreach for CFA Institute for Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, takes listeners through a range of issues facing EU markets, from blockchain technologies to deposit guarantees to sustainability standards, among others.

She posits that success rests not with the decisions that are reached per se, but rather through the strength of the union that is formed to address these manifold challenges. Further, this future union will play a critical role in creating a European voice that is heard, and respected, on the world’s stage. Full series:



The EU’s Strength is Also Its Weakness: Unraveling the EU Political Gordian Knot

What will happen on the fateful dates of May 23-26, the period set down for elections throughout the EU member states? Though it’s not always easy to see, the European Union has been built on consensus. Achieving consensus has never been easy or pretty, but it’s the bedrock of the EU. And in an era of rapid change—Brexit, new political parties, new regional alliances, and changing U.S. policies—it’s also the driving force behind what appears to be politically intractable gridlock.

But according to Josina Kamerling, head of regulatory outreach for CFA Institute for Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, consensus will be the savior, not the undoing of the EU. In this episode, she explains why there’s too much at stake for Europe’s leaders not to come to the table once again to solve their myriad political and economic challenges. Full series:



Creating a More Perfect European Union: A CFA Guide to the EU Galaxy

In this episode, Josina Kamerling, head of regulatory outreach for CFA Institute for Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, explains how CFA Institute fits into overall EU policy development. She takes listeners through the labyrinth of recent initiatives concerning capital flows, governance, securitization, supervision, and taxation, among other issues, to make the case for stronger centralization and harmonization of financial-market supervision in Europe. Full series:

About the Author(s)
Josina Kamerling

Josina Kamerling is head of regulatory outreach for CFA Institute for the Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) region and is based in the Brussels office. She is responsible for supporting CFA Institute's EMEA policy development, advancing the impact of advocacy efforts, and promoting capital market integrity and investor protection issues.

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