Views on improving the integrity of global capital markets

Josina Kamerling

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12 Posts


Josina Kamerling is head of regulatory outreach for CFA Institute for the Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) region and is based in the Brussels office. She is responsible for supporting CFA Institute's EMEA policy development, advancing the impact of advocacy efforts, and promoting capital market integrity and investor protection issues.

Author's Posts
EU Taxonomy, the Agenda on Sustainability Reporting and the SPACs Boom: Latest Updates from the EU

We have fresh new episodes to bring you the latest and most relevant updates in the world of European policy discussion and development. What you need to know about the EU Taxonomy, the agenda on Corporate governance… READ MORE ›

Border-Free Savings, Stakeholder Capitalism, and Supervisory Convergence: Key Issues and Updates from the EU

"Lets Talk EU" added three new episodes, focusing on the Pan-European Personal Pension Product (PEPP) regulation that took effect in January. These podcasts examine what the EU could learn from the German stakeholder capitalism model as well as the key challenge that the European Commission needs to solve: supervisory convergence.

To Make Finance Sustainable We Must Look Beyond COP26

There’s a lot to be discovered in Glasgow, the host city of the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26). But there’s certainly no magic… READ MORE ›

Notes on the German EU Presidency

A German EU presidency is no normal presidency. We hope the following thoughts on priorities are a useful contribution at a time when the EU’s economic and financial response to the COVID-19 crisis has been under intense scrutiny.

Green Bonds Pose Challenge to EU Sustainable Finance Initiative

In this podcast, Josina Kamerling, head of regulatory outreach for CFA Institute for Europe, explores the state of the discussion on Green Bonds and what developments investors and policy makers might expect in the coming months and year.

A Guide to EU Financial Politics and Policy Development (Podcasts)

This series provides a guide to the economic and policy developments within the European Union (EU) and is a must-listen for any student, policy maker, legislator, economist, or corporate strategist seeking a greater understanding of the opportunities, risks, and emerging policy initiatives that will affect the 330 million consumers living there and the companies doing or seeking to do business there.

Competition Invites Innovative Ideas for Improving Ethics and Trust in Finance

Restoring trust in financial services and markets is an immense task that requires many actors to play an active, ongoing role, particularly young people.

Why Funding SMEs Within the EU Capital Markets Union Action Plan Is Challenging

Is shadow banking a way to get SMEs the funding they need? The EU’s policy environment, the conundrum European banks are caught in — these are issues Josina Kamerling discusses in a recent interview.

European Financial Reform Post-Crisis: Weighing the Costs

The banking union aims to facilitate a more integrated banking sector within the EU and to mitigate the potential for systemic risks from banks acting across borders yet supervised (until now) at a national level.

Political Agreement on PRIIPS: Does It Close Gaps in Investor Protection?

Now, focus turns to the development of the mandatory Key Information Document (KID) to aid investor transparency

Brussels Update: Breaking down EU Benchmark Regulation

In the aftermath of intense scrutiny of benchmarks prompted by the LIBOR-rigging scandal, European Union policymakers are poised to impose significant fines and to act on a range of regulatory proposals.

Investment Industry Role in Long-Term Financing of Europe’s Economy: John Kay, Others Weigh in

John Kay, chair of the review of UK Equity Markets and Long-Term Decision-Making, and BlackRock’s Fons Lute debate whether the investment industry operates to serve the need of long-term investment for the ultimate benefit of society.