Views on improving the integrity of global capital markets

Graziella Marras

5 Posts


Graziella Marras is a former director of capital markets policy for the Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) region at CFA Institute.

Author's Posts
Basel III, Resolution, Bail-in, Bailout, Ring-fencing, and Banking Union: What Does the Future Hold for Banks and Their Investors?

There are a number of regulatory proposals under discussion at the EU and national levels. Some proposals are specific to Europe, and some originated in the U.S. but were eagerly imported into Europe. Will they accomplish the goal of preventing another financial meltdown?

Mis-Selling Incentives: European Regulators Finally Crack Down on Sales Staff Pay Structures

Graziella Marras examines how regulators are responding to a spate of mis-selling scandals in the UK.

EU Derivatives Reform: Regulators Dash for the Finish Line

After a long and highly politicized debate, EU policy makers recently approved OTC derivatives reform. Graziella Marras examines some of the crucial issues that emerged for the buy-side during the legislative process.

More Transparency and Protection for Investors: EU Issues Guidelines on ETFs, Other UCITS Issues

EU regulator ESMA recent published rules overhauling ETF and UCITS rules. Graziella Marras examines how the regulations benefit investors.

Shining a Light on Shadow Banking: How to Define It and What to Do about It?

Regulators worldwide are working on shadow banking following the G20 mandate to extend regulation to previously unregulated parts of financial markets by the end of 2012. Graziella Marras examines the need for consistent outcomes at the national and regional level to avoid a regulatory patchwork and jurisdictional arbitrage.