Views on improving the integrity of global capital markets

Jonathan Boersma, CFA

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7 Posts


Jonathan Boersma, CFA, is the former head of Professional Standards and former executive director of the GIPS standards at CFA Institute. He was responsible for developing, maintaining, and promoting the GIPS standards, Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct, and other CFA Institute standards of practice.

Author's Posts
The Four Toughest Questions Facing the Evolution of the GIPS Standards

The ever changing investment management industry means the GIPS standards also have to evolve to remain relevant and continue to provide maximum value.

BlackRock Adopts CFA Institute Asset Manager Code of Professional Conduct

World’s largest asset manager is latest firm to pledge ethical behavior to shape a more trustworthy financial industry.

Is Your Investment Firm GIPS Compliant? Enquiring Minds Need to Know

Why collect this information? Many are curious about the state of GIPS compliance and the competitive implications of these trends.

Applying the GIPS Standards to Asset Owners: It’s About Good Governance

The GIPS Executive Committee has developed guidance to assist asset owners in the application of the standards. An exposure draft of this proposed guidance is available for public comment until 3 June.

New GIPS Handbook — with Addition of Hedge Fund Guidance — Offers Most Comprehensive Resource for GIPS Standards

The recently released third edition of the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS) Handbook is a must have for any firm that complies with the GIPS standards.

Coming to a Hedge Fund Near You: GIPS Guidance for Alternative Investment Strategies, Structures

The Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS) releases new guidance to help hedge funds and other alternative investment strategies and structures apply the GIPS standards.

Weight a Minute!

We were pleased to have the chance to respond to a recent letter in Pensions & Investments suggesting that pension plan sponsors should calculate their plan-level performance using internal rates of… READ MORE ›