Views on improving the integrity of global capital markets

Nitin Mehta, CFA

5 Posts


Nitin Mehta, CFA, was the managing director for Europe, Middle East, and Africa operations at CFA Institute until he retired at the end of 2017.

Author's Posts
Bonus Caps for European Fund Managers: Good Policy or Regulatory Overreach?

The draft law recently backed by members of the European Parliament to cap bonuses for UCITS fund managers in Europe sets up another tussle between those who favour free markets and those who believe that greater regulation is required to protect investors.

Simple or Complex — What History Has Taught Us about Financial Regulation

Andrew Haldane at the Bank of England has recently become a prominent proponent of more simplicity, pointing as example to the possibly detrimental impact of the more complex Basel II rules for regulating banks when compared to Basel I. Many others have joined the bandwagon.

Much More than New Regulation is Required to Fix Finance

The proximate causes of the global financial crisis are being addressed variously through new arrangements for macro-prudential supervision, which will result in tighter liquidity and capital rules for financial institutions. However, some other challenges that have long proved intractable… READ MORE ›

Research Shows Short-Selling Bans Can Cause More Harm Than Good

There is usually much hue and cry from all factions whenever short selling is banned. The proponents argue that the ban is useful in restoring order in chaotic markets; the opponents point to the pricing inefficiency such bans introduce… READ MORE ›

Russia’s New Insider Trading Law

After a decade of wrangling and lobbying, Russia’s new law on insider trading and market manipulation finally came into force last January. Such a law was overdue and a necessary step in fulfilling Russia’s stated ambition to make Moscow… READ MORE ›