Views on improving the integrity of global capital markets

Asset Manager Code of Professional Conduct

Asset Owners Voice Their Strong Support of the Asset Manager Code

For the second straight year, CFA Institute sponsored an open letter from 16 influential asset owners calling for asset managers to comply with the Asset Manager Code.

CFA Institute Asset Manager Code Gives Firms Head Start on Operational Due Diligence

Thorough, independent operational due diligence provides investors with a review of investment firms’ operational standards and the ethical conduct of its managers.

CFA Institute Asset Manager Code: New Compliance Platform and Annual Notification

In a continuing effort to build market integrity, CFA Institute has made it easier and more efficient to adopt the Asset Manager Code. It will also begin requiring annual notification of compliance.

Asset Owners, Managers Need to Step Up to Turn the Value Chain on Its Head

The asset management industry needs to strive to become a profession that is signified by an impassioned commitment to set aside self-interest for the sole purpose of meeting client outcomes

Code and Standards: Are You Living Up To Your Annual Pledge?

CFA Society Sri Lanka is working to improve financial market integrity. Its commitment to putting investors first, upholding the highest standards of ethics and business practices is exciting to see.

Our Asset Manager Code Meets Investor, Industry Needs, But Don’t Ask Us…

Pension plan sponsors, including CalSTRS, CalPERS, and PRIM, have signed a letter endorsing our Code. Its timing coincides with several of our initiatives, including Putting Investors First Month.

1,200 Firms and Counting: Asset Manager Code Gains Global Foothold

As more institutional funds include questions about the Asset Manager Code in their RFPs, investment managers will further recognize the business rationale of compliance.