In 2023, the CFA Institute Board of Governors voted to revise the Standards of Professional Conduct in three areas. The changes became effective 1 January 2024.
Public Investment Fund (PIF), the world’s seventh largest sovereign wealth fund (SWF), has claimed compliance with the CFA Institute Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®).
Which of the newly adopted CFA Institute Standards of Professional Conduct were at issue in the Global Ethics Day Ethics in Practice case?
Can you recognize which of the newly adopted CFA Institute Standards of Professional Conduct are at issue in the case?
True or False: The principles of diligence and reasonable basis, addressed in our Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice, can apply to any investment strategy, any time, present or future.
Aging population and shift from employer to individually directed retirement plans have placed “senior” investors in the spotlight.
Investment professionals should assess their employer's rules before accepting client gifts and bonuses. CFA Institute also offers guidance.
Effective 1 July, the updated CFA Institute Code & Standards outline new requirements for supervisors and client communications.