Linkfest: Bonds, the little engine that could; Icahn and Mickelson, insider traders? The anti-globalization backlash

Categories: Linkfest

Today’s most shared:

  • Many investors wrong-footed as US aggregate bond index returns a whopping 2.6% YTD, long bonds 10%.
  • Icahn, Mickelson ensnared in insider trading investigation. Et tu, Lefty?
  • Will there be a backlash against austerity, globalization? Three reasons globalization may have seen its high-water-mark: 1) Anti-austerity politics; 2) financial fragmentation, as countries don’t want to bail out cross-border shenanigans, or embrace global regulatory/bailout regimes; 3) national security, as geopolitical tensions rise, and countries shy from foreign telecom, IT equipment.
  • Michael Porter and Clayton Christensen square off as Harvard Business School nervously dips its toe into online learning, tries to figure out whether it’s a sustaining innovation that will enable a market leader to extend its brand to a much larger audience, or a disruptive innovation that will render a traditional MBA obsolete.
  • Why you hate your job, and when ‘jock’ culture goes too far.
  • The man who wants to debunk behavioral economics.
  • Google searches of the unemployed. When so many economic activities can be tracked in real-time, why is forecasting the present so hard? Google, Visa, Amazon may have a clearer picture of the economy than the Fed.

Unstoppable $100 Trillion Bond Market Renders Models Useless
If the insatiable demand for bonds has upended the models you use to value them, you’re not alone.
shared by @TFMkts, @eisingerj, reddit/Economics, Crossing Wall Street
For Bonds, This Time is Different
New York Times
Where have all the working-age people gone?
shared by Business Insider, @MarkThoma, @hblodget
FBI, SEC pursue insider-trading probe of whether Phil Mickelson and Billy Walters traded on nonpublic information from Carl Icahn
Wall Street Journal
Federal investigators are pursuing an insider-trading probe into whether golfer Phil Mickelson and Las Vegas sports bettor William "Billy" Walters traded on nonpublic information from Carl Icahn.
shared by @firstadopter, @carney, @ToddSullivan, @danprimack, @pkedrosky
Insider-Trading Inquiry Could Rattle Icahn’s Efforts to Shape His Legacy
New York Times
The billionaire investor Carl C. Icahn has a record as an activist investor that rivals call enviable, but it could be scorched by a spotlight turned harsh.
shared by @TheStalwart, @MattGoldstein26, Crossing Wall Street
Icahn is most likely in the clear
For starters, it is not illegal to tell someone about a pending trade.
shared by @jennablan, @tomkeene, Reformed Broker, @MattGoldstein26
The Great Backlash by Nouriel Roubini
Project Syndicate
In the aftermath of the 2008 global financial crisis, policymakers’ success in preventing the Great Recession from turning into Great Depression II held in check demands for protectionist measures. But now the backlash against globalization – and the freer movement of goods, services, capital, labor, and technology that came with it – has arrived.
shared by @edwardnh, @Convertbond, reddit/Economics, @ReformedBroker
China explores bond buying in first hint of QE
The Telegraph
Officials have been clamping down on credit to puncture the property bubble but are clearly having second thoughts as money supply weakens and bad debts accumulate.
shared by @DougKass, Naked Capitalism, reddit/Economics
No, China Isn’t Really Rebalancing
Bloomberg View
China’s leaders have rarely missed a chance to say China must accept slower growth. But all they’ve done is add more and more stimulus to the already dangerously imbalanced economy.
shared by Naked Capitalism, @vitaliyk, @AlephBlog
The weird Google searches of the unemployed and what they say about the economy
Washington Post
A growing number of economists are looking at data from Google and Twitter to get a more accurate read on the current state of the economy.
shared by reddit/Economics, Reformed Broker, @mccarthyryanj
Everything You Need to Know About Thomas Piketty vs. The Financial Times
New York Times
A review of the controversy over issues a newspaper took with an influential book about economic inequality.
shared by @retheauditors, @andrewtghill, Naked Capitalism
Don’t believe brokers, the government, or Piketty: Your property values won’t grow faster than your paycheck
Thomas Piketty’s contentious thesis about ever-increasing inequality rests on the surprisingly conventional premise that aggregate wealth grows faster than overall income.
shared by Naked Capitalism, @FGoria, reddit/Economics, @TimHarford, @foxjust

Business School, Disrupted
New York Times
In moving into online education, Harvard Business School discovered that it isn’t so easy to practice what it teaches.
shared by @Dvolatility, @MParekh, @raju, @Richard_Florida

Why You Hate Work
New York Times
Excessive demands are leading to burnout everywhere.
shared by @LaurenLaCapra, @LaurenYoung, @delong, Abnormal Returns, @lindayueh, @moorehn
The Trouble with a "Jock Culture" at the Office
It can lead to organizational mediocrity.
shared by @matt_levine, @counterparties, @moorehn
Nudge economics: has push come to shove for a fashionable theory?
A rival psychologist has debunked the behavioural economics of Daniel Kahneman and the men behind Nudge – once David Cameron’s pet thinkers.
shared by @ModeledBehavior, reddit/Economics, @Noahpinion, @R_Thaler
The economics of “everyone’s private driver”
What happens when cab drivers stop being employees and start being sole proprietors.
shared by Abnormal Returns, reddit/Economics, @Techmeme, @Richard_Florida
Surprise! Leftist minimum wage policy backfires in Seattle suburb
The Emerald City may witness the economic dangers of hiking the minimum wage to $15/hour sooner rather than later.
shared by @ToddSullivan, reddit/Economics, @BarbarianCap follows the best ‘curators’ on the web and social media, and finds all the top financial news right now, as voted by you.

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