Linkfest: Ackman “death blow” against Herbalife fizzles; Limits of US oil boom; CEO pay for performance seen mythical
Categories: Linkfest
Today’s most shared:
- Ackman’s “death blow” against Herbalife underwhelms, stock rises after teary finale to 200-slide Powerpoint presentation.
- Trees don’t grow to the sky, and North Dakota oil growth is unprecedented, and unsustainable.
- Executive pay doesn’t show much correlation with stock performance.
- More US companies line up to exit US, on paper.
- Institutional investors turn to farmland.
- As China gets too expensive, Chinese exporters manufacturer clothes for US fashion outlets in places like Ethiopia.
- Does the Ivy league turn out highly credentialed, ambitious grads who can outwork competitors under pressure but can’t think critically?
Bill Ackman Hates The Hell Out Of Herbalife Because God Damnit He Loves America
If it was a PowerPoint that convinced the market that Herbalife, Ackman’s sworn enemy, was going down for the dirt nap, then technically, the hedge fund manager probably disappointed you a little. On the other hand, if you were hoping for a presentation filled with passion, courage, feeling, and above all, patriotism, your expectations were met and then some.
shared by @pkedrosky, @retheauditors, @MattGoldstein26, @Dvolatility
If it was a PowerPoint that convinced the market that Herbalife, Ackman’s sworn enemy, was going down for the dirt nap, then technically, the hedge fund manager probably disappointed you a little. On the other hand, if you were hoping for a presentation filled with passion, courage, feeling, and above all, patriotism, your expectations were met and then some.
shared by @pkedrosky, @retheauditors, @MattGoldstein26, @Dvolatility
North Dakota’s Oil Bonanza Is Unsustainable
Companies have to keep drilling just to keep production flat. The more they produce, the more they have to drill to keep up.
shared by @davidmwessel, @GZuckerman, reddit/Economics, @pdacosta, @JacobWolinsky
Companies have to keep drilling just to keep production flat. The more they produce, the more they have to drill to keep up.
shared by @davidmwessel, @GZuckerman, reddit/Economics, @pdacosta, @JacobWolinsky
The Pay-for-Performance Myth
Bloomberg Businessweek
For chief executive officers, correlation between pay and stock performance is pretty random, as this chart illustrates.
shared by reddit/Economics, @eisingerj, @tomkeene
Bloomberg Businessweek
For chief executive officers, correlation between pay and stock performance is pretty random, as this chart illustrates.
shared by reddit/Economics, @eisingerj, @tomkeene
US warned of up to 25 groups eyeing foreign switch to cut tax
Financial Times
Up to 25 more US companies are considering relocating overseas to cut their tax bills this year, Democratic senator Ron Wyden has warned, as he assailed investment bankers for encouraging the idea.
shared by @kaylatausche, @FGoria, @Kelly_Evans
Financial Times
Up to 25 more US companies are considering relocating overseas to cut their tax bills this year, Democratic senator Ron Wyden has warned, as he assailed investment bankers for encouraging the idea.
shared by @kaylatausche, @FGoria, @Kelly_Evans
China’s terrifying debt ratios poised to breeze past US levels
The Telegraph
The China-US sorpasso is looming, the ominous moment when China’s debt ratios overtake the arch-debtor itself.
shared by @edwardnh, @EconBrothers, reddit/Economics, @tomkeene
The Telegraph
The China-US sorpasso is looming, the ominous moment when China’s debt ratios overtake the arch-debtor itself.
shared by @edwardnh, @EconBrothers, reddit/Economics, @tomkeene
One in every 25 New Yorkers is a millionaire, study says
LA Times
Walk down the street in New York and you’re virtually guaranteed to see several millionaires.
shared by @charlesforelle, @LaurenLaCapra, Business Insider
LA Times
Walk down the street in New York and you’re virtually guaranteed to see several millionaires.
shared by @charlesforelle, @LaurenLaCapra, Business Insider
Cash Crops With Dividends: Financiers Transforming Strawberries Into Securities
New York Times
With its steady income stream, farmland is proving to be a ripe offering for sophisticated investors.
shared by @MattGoldstein26, @AmerBanker, @JohnLothian, Abnormal Returns
New York Times
With its steady income stream, farmland is proving to be a ripe offering for sophisticated investors.
shared by @MattGoldstein26, @AmerBanker, @JohnLothian, Abnormal Returns
Excerpts from New York Fed’s Letter to Deutsche Bank
Wall Street Journal
Late last year, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York wrote a letter to Deutsche Bank’s U.S. executives outlining their concerns about the financial data, governance, auditing and technology systems in the bank’s U.S. units.
shared by @LemaSabachthani, @MattGoldstein26, @IvanTheK, @carney
Wall Street Journal
Late last year, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York wrote a letter to Deutsche Bank’s U.S. executives outlining their concerns about the financial data, governance, auditing and technology systems in the bank’s U.S. units.
shared by @LemaSabachthani, @MattGoldstein26, @IvanTheK, @carney
Ethiopia Becomes China’s China in Search for Cheap Labor
Ethiopia’s Huajian Shoes factory, where workers earn about $40 a month, is becoming a case study of Ethiopia’s emerging potential as a production center for labor-intensive products from shoes to T-shirts to handbags. .
shared by @izakaminska, @BarbarianCap, @TomLasseter, @pdacosta
Ethiopia’s Huajian Shoes factory, where workers earn about $40 a month, is becoming a case study of Ethiopia’s emerging potential as a production center for labor-intensive products from shoes to T-shirts to handbags. .
shared by @izakaminska, @BarbarianCap, @TomLasseter, @pdacosta
Don’t Send Your Kid to the Ivy League
New Republic
The nation’s top colleges are turning our kids into zombies.
shared by @ToddSullivan, @Noahpinion, @TheIntuitInvest, @rjocean
New Republic
The nation’s top colleges are turning our kids into zombies.
shared by @ToddSullivan, @Noahpinion, @TheIntuitInvest, @rjocean follows the best ‘curators’ on the web and social media, and finds all the top financial news right now, as voted by you.
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