07 December 2012
Career Conversations: Persuasion (Podcast)
Seasoned sales and communication coach Paul Donehue discusses the communication skill of persuasion in an interview with Julia VanDeren, career services representative at CFA Institute. Donehue argues that persuasion is much more powerful (and effective) than a command approach.
Listen to this podcast to gain a better understanding of:
- What makes persuasion different from other types of communication efforts.
- The steps can you take to make sure good communication happens.
- The WIIFM (What’s in it for me?) and WIIFT (What’s in it for them?) principles of communication.
- The most common mistakes people make when trying to persuade others, and how to avoid them.
Donehue has also led training programs on “The Anatomy of Persuasion” at a number of CFA Institute member society and career events. CFA Institute members can access this presentation from our Career Resources Library (login required).
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