Enterprising Investor
Practical analysis for investment professionals
03 February 2016

Essential Listening: Taking a Leap

As the world of podcasting has expanded, so too has the need for good curation. Luckily some other listeners have taken the time to highlight some of their favorites. For example, Tim Harford has a list of his five top economics-related podcasts, including the new(ish) weekly series from the FT Alphaville crew, Alphachat.

Start-ups are a hot topic in general and the podcast world is full of related podcasts. Ty Danco at Techstars has gone to the trouble of ranking all of the 75! start-up podcasts he found. He based his ratings on a number of criteria. such as interview quality, and found lots of superb podcasts including the popular StartUp. Scott Gerber at business.com asked 14 entrepreneurs for podcasts that inspire them and got a wide-range of recommendations, including Roderick on the Line.

If this week’s selections don’t satisfy your appetite for insightful podcasts, check out some entries from previous weeks’ installments of Essential Listening. As usual, this edition includes a wide array of podcasts to make your next stretch of “down time” a little smarter.

Don’t hesitate to leave a note or to recommend other podcasts Enterprising Investor readers and listeners may appreciate. I might highlight your suggestion in this ongoing series on the world of podcasting.

You can read more from Tadas Viskanta on his blog Abnormal Returns or follow him on Twitter @abnormalreturns.

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All posts are the opinion of the author. As such, they should not be construed as investment advice, nor do the opinions expressed necessarily reflect the views of CFA Institute or the author’s employer.

Image credit: ©iStockphoto.com/Big_Ryan

About the Author(s)
Tadas Viskanta

Tadas Viskanta is the founder and editor of Abnormal Returns. He is also the author of Abnormal Returns: Winning Strategies from the Frontlines of the Investment Blogosphere, which culls lessons learned from his time blogging.

2 thoughts on “Essential Listening: Taking a Leap”

  1. Bhavik Kakkad says:

    Hi Tadas, Thanks for sharing for these podcasts. I have found some of these as invaluable – especially Prof. Sanjay Bakshi (one of your old posts) and the one with Tess Vigeland.


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