Enterprising Investor
Practical analysis for investment professionals

European Central Bank

Have Central Bank Interventions Repriced Corporate Credit? Part 1

Have the Fed's and ECB's purchases of corporate bonds permanently altered the pricing of corporate credit risk?

Is the Euro Uninvestable? The FX Question du Jour

A reduction of the ECB's balance sheet and a serious effort to achieve positive real interest rates will be key to ensuring a turnaround in the fortunes of the EUR/USD.

Who’s Afraid of Jerome Powell?

Jerome Powell, Andrew Bailey, and Christine Lagarde shouldn't keep us up at night.

Post–COVID-19 Europe: Three Scenarios

Austerity, mutualization, monetization, or some combination thereof? What path will Europe take?

Eurozone Recovery Falters — What’s Next?

Powerful new instruments have to be created to revive a flagging eurozone economy.

An Italian Bank Run Could Crack the Euro

Should a bank run in Italy ensue, could the euro fall apart?

Is a US Recession Imminent? Part Two

In January, 70% of CFA Institute Financial NewsBrief readers didn't expect a US recession in 2016. So what about 2017?

What Is the Focus in Fixed Income? Exogenous or Endogenous Factors?

Every player in fixed income hangs on the doings of Janet Yellen and Mario Draghi like teenagers with Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber. The focus is all on exogenous factors, says Jason Voss, CFA. What is not being accounted for? Endogenous criteria like the quality of the business models of the credits or whether a portfolio is diversified enough.

Martin Wolf on the Eurozone, the ECB, and General Investment Woes

Gustavo Teruel, CFA, recently spoke with Martin Wolf of the Financial Times about his latest book, recent developments in the eurozone, and the global investing outlook more generally.