Views on improving the integrity of global capital markets


SPAC Audits: SEC Fines Marcum for Quality Control Deficiencies

PCAOB audit partner transparency data provided a leading indicator of audit quality issues.

The Audit Gender Gap: Who Audits the Companies You Invest In?

The findings in "New Public Company Auditor Disclosures: Who Audits the Company You Invest In? How Long Have They Been the Auditor," were compelling, particularly on gender diversity.

Seven’s a Charm for Investors: PCAOB Disclosure of Engagement Partner Finally Reality

Mickey Mantle, the UCLA Bruins, the seven seas — what do they have in common with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board’s disclosure requirement? What three main changes should investors know?

With PCAOB Form, Finally Maybe Some Transparency into Identity of US Audit Partner

The just-issued Public Company Accounting Oversight Board plan takes incremental steps to larger objective — transparency for investors.

Balance in Public Company Audit Priorities Important to Investors

PCAOB should resist pressure from the SEC to shift its focus from important transparency projects.

Who Is the Auditor’s Client? Addressing the ‘Elephant in the Room’

Investors, not the company, are the auditor’s client. Changing this paradigm, where auditors are beholden to management, is essential to fully resolving independence and objectivity challenges.

PCAOB Plan on Naming Audit Partner Is a ‘Small Ball’ Advance for Investors

PCAOB finds compromise option for making audit-partner disclosure more convenient and transparent.

The “Rolls Royce” of Auditors’ Reports

At a time when accounting standard setters are finalizing new requirements for the auditor’s report, Rolls Royce sets a high bar.

Navigating a Maze: Audit Profession’s Solution for Disclosing Engagement Partner

The debate continues regarding the PCAOB proposal to require disclosure of the name of the engagement partner in the auditor’s report.

Audit Transparency and Accountability: The Engagement Partner Should be Disclosed

A recent PCAOB proposal intends to enhance transparency and thus improve audit quality through the engagement partner’s increased sense of accountability — a move that has strong investor support.

“Going Concern” Warnings: Fewer Firms Improved in 2012 and Its Impact on Investors

Investors are closely following separate initiatives of the FASB and the PCAOB to improve the way both company management and the independent auditor report the company’s future financial health.

Enhancing Audit Quality: Lessons from Auditor Deficiencies and Accounting Restatements

In response to the financial crisis, the quality of bank audits has been in the regulatory reform spotlight.

Investor Win: FASB Proposes Enhanced “Going Concern” Warnings for U.S. Firms

FASB proposal would make warnings about a company’s failing financial health the responsibility of firm management.

Investors Remain in the Dark When PCAOB Disciplinary Actions Are Hidden in the Shadows

Reed-Grassley bill would provide much-needed transparency to public company auditing process.

KPMG Scandal Strengthens Case to Disclose Lead Partner in Public Company Audits

Will the alleged insider trading scandal involving ex-KPMG partner Scott London compel the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board to finally require disclosure of the lead partner on public company audits?

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