The concepts of “debt” and “equity” are as old as human conversation.
European Long-Term Investment Funds (ELTIFs) are EU Alternative Investment Funds (AIFs) managed by alternative investment fund managers (AIFMs). ELTIFs complement traditional sources of capital while enabling the financing of the real economy, which, in turn, contribute to the EU’s sustainable and inclusive growth.
Is shadow banking a way to get SMEs the funding they need? The EU’s policy environment, the conundrum European banks are caught in — these are issues Josina Kamerling discusses in a recent interview.
CFA Institute member survey: The higher the wealth, the less likely investors will be affected by automated financial advice tools.
Challenges to cross-border financial services can be overcome with the developments in digitalisation and in the fintech sector. In particular, we believe the financial services industry will increasingly use so-called “robo-advisers.”
Whether the changes will be cosmetic or profoundly far-reaching will depend on the ambitiousness of the policy-makers in the European Commission, Parliament, and the Council (representing EU Member States).
Report reveals 36 barriers to the development of a truly pan-European CMU; findings complement CFA Institute member survey results.
With 2015 slowly drawing to an end, it is time to have a look at what the New Year will bring in European financial services legislation.
EU CMU Action Plan broadly addresses investor concerns, but how will it tackle key challenges?