Views on improving the integrity of global capital markets

Maiju Hamunen

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15 Posts


Maiju Hamunen was an analyst for the Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) region in the Capital Markets Policy Group at CFA Institute. She was responsible for developing research projects, policy papers, articles, and regulatory consultations that advanced the policy positions of CFA Institute.

Author's Posts
Striking Right Balance of Disclosure: European Prospectus Regime Revision Continues

The new regulation, once agreed on, will aim at harmonizing the rules across Europe and will be directly applicable in all 28 EU Member States.

European Commission Shifts Capital Markets Union Focus to Retail Investors

Challenges to cross-border financial services can be overcome with the developments in digitalisation and in the fintech sector. In particular, we believe the financial services industry will increasingly use so-called “robo-advisers.”

Capital Markets Union Update: Creating Regulatory Framework for EU Financial Sector

Whether the changes will be cosmetic or profoundly far-reaching will depend on the ambitiousness of the policy-makers in the European Commission, Parliament, and the Council (representing EU Member States).

Europe’s Capital Market Union: Task Force Report Sets out Long-Term Vision

Report reveals 36 barriers to the development of a truly pan-European CMU; findings complement CFA Institute member survey results.

Crowdfunding: IOSCO Report Highlights Global Rules on Alternative Finance

IOSCO is keeping a regulatory eye on crowdfunding to ensure investor protection. The alternative finance is a major emerging market projected to hit US$300 billion in coming years.

What New Cybersecurity Rules in Europe Mean for Financial Bodies

Cybersecurity is now a concern for everyone working in finance, from investment managers to regulators, not just CIOs. In the EU, cybersecurity is gaining more and more attention from policymakers.

What Does Revision of the Prospectus Directive Mean for Investors?

The uneven application of the prospectus regime across Member States has posed several challenges not only to issuers, but also to investors and national regulators alike.

EU Financial Services Legislative Outlook: What to Expect in 2016

With 2015 slowly drawing to an end, it is time to have a look at what the New Year will bring in European financial services legislation.

European Market Infrastructure Regulation: Starting Point for OTC Derivatives Union?

EMIR’s aim is to make the clearing and reporting of OTC derivatives mandatory.

Does the EU Capital Markets Union Action Plan Answer Investors’ Concerns?

EU CMU Action Plan broadly addresses investor concerns, but how will it tackle key challenges?

New EU Law to Enhance Transparency of Securities Financing Transactions

CFA Institute supports greater transparency over SFT activities and better monitoring of potential financial stability risks.

Ethical Behaviour Should Complement the Law in Financial Services Profession

Responsibility and accountability: Is a “Hippocratic oath” in financial services the answer?

EU Prospectus Directive Reform to Ease Investor Access to SME Information

CFA Institute supports making information on European SMEs more accessible to cross-border investors.

EU Capital Markets Union: What Do Investors See as Hurdles to Forming Single Market?

CFA Institute survey reveals substantial work needed to make EU capital markets union a reality.

Resource Constraints Test Financial Policy Makers Coping with “Regulatory Tsunami”

Global regulators are grappling with a problem of unexpected size — not the number of technical standards they need to transcribe but something more palpable: the lack of manpower.