Enterprising Investor
Practical analysis for investment professionals
03 October 2015

Weekend Listening: Listen Widely and Be Curious

We are living in the “golden age of podcasting.” Although the form has been around for a long time, it is now really hitting its stride. Today podcasts are being turned into television shows, while the rise of smartphones and connected cars gives us the ability to listen to what we want, when we want, and wherever we want.

This is great news for investment professionals who likely have overburdened schedules. Podcasts allow us to hear content that we might not have previously found time for. This isn’t to say that listening to a podcast should feel like a chore. At their best, podcasts are an engaging way to approach new and interesting material. There is something to be said for hearing one of your favorite writers speak on a topic, enhancing what you have read on the screen or printed page.

Another way in which podcasts are a vital medium for absorbing content is that they give us access to material that we would not have consumed in another format. This helps us to be multi-disciplinary in our approach. As Charlie Munger advocates, as paraphrased by Tren Griffin on 25iq, “read widely and be curious.” For example, you may not sit through an hour-long stand-up comedy special, but you may find an hour-long interview with the same person fascinating.

One potential threat we do need to confront when listening to podcasts is that of multi-tasking. There is ample evidence on the downsides of the practice. As Tim Harford observes in the Financial Times, however, there can be benefits to letting more streams in. He writes, “It’s easier to think outside the box if the box is full of holes.”

In that spirit, below are some recent podcasts on finance and investments that are well worth your time. As we move forward with this series, we will start to open things up, highlighting podcasts outside of the usual financial milieu. But for now, let’s stick to some that hit close to home.

As you can see, many of these podcast episodes feature book authors. This is another way to use podcasts: either as a substitute for reading an author’s whole book or as an adjunct to the book itself. Happy listening. We will catch up on some more podcasts in a few weeks.

You can read more from Tadas Viskanta on his blog, Abnormal Returns.

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All posts are the opinion of the author. As such, they should not be construed as investment advice, nor do the opinions expressed necessarily reflect the views of CFA Institute or the author’s employer.

Image credit: ©iStockphoto.com/Big_Ryan

About the Author(s)
Tadas Viskanta

Tadas Viskanta is the founder and editor of Abnormal Returns. He is also the author of Abnormal Returns: Winning Strategies from the Frontlines of the Investment Blogosphere, which culls lessons learned from his time blogging.

4 thoughts on “Weekend Listening: Listen Widely and Be Curious”

  1. Josh Muccio says:

    It’s exciting to see where podcasting is going! Thanks for putting this together. It’s hard to discover new good podcasts. Super helpful to have a list of finance related shows. Thanks Tadas!

  2. Ilir says:

    I enjoyed the Zweig episode on “Masters of Business” thoroughly. From that series I would also recommend the Charlie Ellis installment as not-to-be-missed.

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