Views on improving the integrity of global capital markets

Claire Fargeot

14 Posts


Claire Fargeot is a former head of Standards and Financial Market Integrity at CFA Institute for the Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) region. She was responsible for leading CFA Institute efforts in advocacy, policy development, and regulatory outreach in EMEA.

Author's Posts
The Challenges of Incentivising Long-Term Financing in Europe

CFA Institute members weigh in on policies to foster long-term financing to the European economy and investment in long-term assets.

Implementing Basel III in Europe: Issues and Concerns about the CRD IV Package

Does Europe’s CRD IV package strike the right balance of safeguarding the system for European banking investors and consumers while supporting economic growth?

Sense and Sensibility Prevail: UCITS Fund Manager Bonus Caps Not the Answer

Rejection of bonus limit is recognition that the investment business is not the same as a banking business and doesn’t pose the same systemic risk.

Corporate Access: Should Investors Really be Paying for It?

Since 2006 the U.K.’s Financial Services Authority (FSA) has limited investment manager’s use of dealing commissions to the purchase of trade execution and research services.

One Share and … How Many Votes in Europe? Weighing the Impact of Extra Voting Rights for Long-Term Shareholders

Following years of regulatory drives aimed at stemming the financial crisis and returning the European ecosystem to stability, the focus is now switching to long-term sustainable growth, with institutional investors expected to play a large part in this turnaround initiative.

Bank Bonus Cap: Apparent Win for EU Regulators but More Unintended Consequences for Shareowners

To the surprise of the banking industry, a consensus emerged in the negotiations between the European Parliament and the European Council on executive remuneration for banking institutions, mandating caps on bonuses in relation to fixed pay.

How the Investment Industry Can Facilitate SME Access to Finance in Europe

The EU economy is in need of measures to relaunch economic growth and encourage more long-term sustainable investment, and these measures are expected to focus on supporting the SME sector as well as providing finance for innovation-led sustainable projects and activities.

European Banking Union Takes Big Step with Banking Supervisor, but Difficult Decisions Remain

As market observers will no doubt concur, nothing in Europe is ever straightforward. The European finance ministers finally reached an agreement on 13 December regarding the European banking supervisor. While this is welcome progress, questions remain unanswered, and some governments and their banks still have some difficult decisions to make.

Barclays’ New Ethics Code: Is It Enough to Right Recent Wrongs?

The announcement last week from the new Barclays CEO, Antony Jenkins, that employees who do not wish to adhere to a strict new ethical code of conduct should quit the bank and find jobs elsewhere is an obvious step in the right direction for a bank attempting to rebuild its badly damaged reputation.

Trust and Ethics in Finance: Culture Must Change in EMEA

While the 2013 Global Market Sentiment Survey reveals cautious optimism about the future of the financial markets in 2013, those are tempered by concerns that the longer-term issues that contributed heavily to the financial and the decline in the integrity of the markets remain unresolved.

European Commission Corporate Governance Action Plan: Engagement and Sustainability

In mid-December 2012, the European Commission revealed its corporate governance “Action Plan” outlining future initiatives in the areas of company law and corporate governance.

Kay Review Attempts to Address Short-Termism and Trust, but Fails to Provide Catalyst for Behavioural Shift

The role of trust in the investment industry forms the central thrust of the UK’s Kay Review. Missing from the long-awaited review: the catalyst for restoring trust.

Pass Me a Hard Hat Please? Some Firms Struggle to Answer Call for Gender Diversity

Claire Fargeot examines challenges some firms face in responding to regulatory pressure to encourage more female representation on corporate boards.

To Comply or Not to Comply? That Is the Question

The corporate governance debate is intensifying in the UK, with a regulator calling on companies to provide more clear explanations for why they choose to ignore corporate governance guidelines.