Views on improving the integrity of global capital markets


SFDR and EU Taxonomy Disclosures: Four Data Challenges for Asset Managers

When it comes to the EU Commission's Taxonomy and SFDR statutes, good data is hard to find.

EU Taxonomy, the Agenda on Sustainability Reporting and the SPACs Boom: Latest Updates from the EU

We have fresh new episodes to bring you the latest and most relevant updates in the world of European policy discussion and development. What you need to know about the EU Taxonomy, the agenda on Corporate governance… READ MORE ›

Border-Free Savings, Stakeholder Capitalism, and Supervisory Convergence: Key Issues and Updates from the EU

"Lets Talk EU" added three new episodes, focusing on the Pan-European Personal Pension Product (PEPP) regulation that took effect in January. These podcasts examine what the EU could learn from the German stakeholder capitalism model as well as the key challenge that the European Commission needs to solve: supervisory convergence.

Wirecard Scandal Spurs European Commission Consult to Enhance the Quality and Reliability of Corporate Reporting in Europe

The implosion of Germany’s Wirecard has demonstrated that those parties – management, the audit committee and board, auditors, audit regulators, and corporate reporting regulators – investors compensate and rely upon to look after their capital investments failed them on multiple levels in the European Union’s (EU’s) largest economy.

The Impact of Covid-19 on Board Accountability, Flexible Work, Stakeholder Engagement, and Financial Markets

New episodes from podcast series A Guide to EU Financial Politics and Policy Development.

Towards a deep review of the role of the European Financial SupervisoryAuthorities?

Now is the time to review the structure of the financial supervision in the EU. Empowering the ESAs with greater direct supervisory powers and resources and turning these authorities into more independent bodies are essential steps to achieve a genuine CMU, with a truly European single supervision.

For The EU: Lessons To Be Learned About Digital Filings

Globally, regulations requiring public companies to provide information in an XBRL (eXtensible Business Reporting Language) for­mat have steadily increased. But XBRL implementation has faced some challenges, particularly in the United States.

The quality… READ MORE ›

Sustainable Corporate Governance: Creating Incentives to Integrate Sustainability Interests into Business Operations

CFA Institute recently published the report “Corporate Governance and ESG Disclosure in the EU”, which looks at how corporate governance practices have evolved over the past years and examines the impact of sustainability measures that have been introduced in the European Union in the context of the Renewed Sustainable Finance Strategy and the Action Plan on Financing Sustainability Growth. The study also focuses on how companies can take into account open market perspectives while continuing to seek corporate success and create shareholder value.

Is Covid-19 Make or Break for the EU?

CFA Institute Systemic Risk Council members discuss the challenges facing the EU as it responds collectively to the crisis created by Covid-19.

Notes on the German EU Presidency

A German EU presidency is no normal presidency. We hope the following thoughts on priorities are a useful contribution at a time when the EU’s economic and financial response to the COVID-19 crisis has been under intense scrutiny.