Views on improving the integrity of global capital markets
CFA Institute Launches Asset Owner Survey

This survey asks asset owners about how they manage assets, report performance, and consider the GIPS® standards when doing so.

Net-Zero Hour

CFA Institute is contributing to the net-zero discussion with the aim to bring clarity around certain issues impacting investors.

Climate Data in the Investment Process: Challenges, Resources, and Considerations

Investors should not be deterred from using climate-related data, despite its imperfections. Instead, they should understand the data’s risks and limitations and apply judgment to make effective use of it. Investors can help improve the current state of climate-related data by encouraging issuers to adopt global disclosure standards and advocating for disclosure regulations.

CFA Institute Forms Working Group to Address Performance Calculations of Private Funds

CFA Institute forms working group to draft guidance on calculating private fund performance. 

Taking Credit: Navigating the Ethical Challenges of Impact Reporting

As the demand for sustainable investing continues to grow, navigating ethical challenges in impact reporting will be essential.

How Firms Managing Only Pooled Funds Can Claim GIPS Compliance

The "Guidance Statement on Firms Managing Only Broad Distribution Pooled Funds" addresses how firms that manage only BDPFs can claim compliance with the GIPS standards.

Take the SEC Marketing Rule Survey by 1 April  

How is your firm complying with the performance requirements of the SEC Marketing Rule?

GIPS Compliance by the Numbers

The numbers speak for themselves: GIPS compliance matters!

Revisions to the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct

In 2023, the CFA Institute Board of Governors voted to revise the Standards of Professional Conduct in three areas. The changes became effective 1 January 2024.

Saudi Arabia’s Sovereign Wealth Fund Claims GIPS Compliance

Public Investment Fund (PIF), the world’s seventh largest sovereign wealth fund (SWF), has claimed compliance with the CFA Institute Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®).

Words Matter: Standardizing Responsible Investment Terminology

CFA Institute, GSIA, and PRI have aligned our definitions of five key responsible investment approaches.

GIPS Standards Verification Services, Part II: Case Analysis

Which of the newly adopted CFA Institute Standards of Professional Conduct were at issue in the Global Ethics Day Ethics in Practice case?

GIPS Standards Verification Services, Part I: Case Facts

Can you recognize which of the newly adopted CFA Institute Standards of Professional Conduct are at issue in the case?

For Public Comment: Exposure Draft of the Guidance Statement for OCIO Strategies

What are the key elements of the Exposure Draft of the Guidance Statement for OCIO Strategies and what were the circumstances that led to its creation?

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