Views on improving the integrity of global capital markets


Taking Credit: Navigating the Ethical Challenges of Impact Reporting

As the demand for sustainable investing continues to grow, navigating ethical challenges in impact reporting will be essential.

Two Months Left to Apply for US$20,000 Prize on Ethics and Trust in Finance for a Sustainable Future

The Ethics & Trust in Finance for a Sustainable Future, which is supported by CFA Institute and other organizations, is a global prize in its eighth cycle (awarded every two years) that will award winners a pool of US$20,000.

Six Months Left to Apply for US$20,000 Prize on Ethics and Trust in Finance for a Sustainable Future

If you’re under 35 years old and have a strong opinion about the role of ethics in finance, CFA Institute invites you to submit an essay reflecting on the role of ethics to shape a more sustainable… READ MORE ›

Eight Months Left to Apply for US$20,000 Prize on Ethics and Trust in Finance for a Sustainable Future

Win US$20,000 for essay on Ethics and Trust in Finance for a Sustainable Future. Co-sponsored by CFA Institute.

Like capitalism, but worse.

The question Benjamin Braun poses himself is this: How does index fund dominance change the political economy of corporate governance? Our question: Is it time to address this more deeply?

ESG Q&A: The role of financial regulators in treating climate change as a systemic risk

One of the most important issues surrounding climate change for financial professionals is the policy response regulators and policymakers make around such issues as climate change data transparency and quality.

How evolving ESG disclosure rules are altering investment dynamics in India

The ESG concept is picking up in India gradually. This year alone, two investment firms — Avendus and Quantum Advisors with three former Tata group employees — launched a $1 billion ESG fund in India.

Déjà vu all over again: DOL issues guidance on ESG integration in the investment process

In a nutshell, the new rule says fiduciaries cannot sacrifice returns to achieve some other objective, such as societal considerations or other nonfinancial concerns.

ESG Disclosure Standards: Begin With Financially Value Relevant, Layer Other Objectives

Last week, US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chair Jay Clayton spoke on a webcast sponsored by FCLTGlobal. He discussed his views on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) disclosures and the SEC’s responsibilities to investors —… READ MORE ›

Will Revisiting SEC’s Names Rule Clear Up ESG Fund Name Confusion?

Firms use fund names to both market themselves and to inform investors. Fund names are always important, but in the case of the current challenges with funds that advertise themselves as ESG or sustainable funds, disclosures beyond the fund name would be especially helpful.

Defining green activities – What the new EU rules mean for India

A standard taxonomy of green finance based on best principles, with an eventual path towards global convergence, would catalyse investments that are desperately needed. This global issue is framed from the point of view of India.

Are ESG factors relevant only for investors with long-term investment horizons?

Some workshop participants suggested that environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors comes into play when the investment horizon is a minimum of five years, making them material only to long-term investors.

Embracing the Inevitable: ESG Disclosures

When it comes to ESG reporting, survey respondents and roundtable participants say that they incorporate governance factors into their investment analysis to a greater extent than they incorporate environmental and social factors.