Investors should not be deterred from using climate-related data, despite its imperfections. Instead, they should understand the data’s risks and limitations and apply judgment to make effective use of it. Investors can help improve the current state of climate-related data by encouraging issuers to adopt global disclosure standards and advocating for disclosure regulations.
As the demand for sustainable investing continues to grow, navigating ethical challenges in impact reporting will be essential.
"Lets Talk EU" added three new episodes, focusing on the Pan-European Personal Pension Product (PEPP) regulation that took effect in January. These podcasts examine what the EU could learn from the German stakeholder capitalism model as well as the key challenge that the European Commission needs to solve: supervisory convergence.
The following post summarizes some key ideas from a recent edition of the CFA Institute podcast The Sustainability Story. CFA Institute Senior Director Matt Orsagh, CFA, CIPM, spoke with Deborah Gilshan, founder of the 100% Club… READ MORE ›
The following post summarizes some key ideas from a recent edition of the CFA Institute podcast The Sustainability Story. Matt Orsagh, CFA, CIPM, senior director of capital markets policy at CFA Institute, spoke with former hedge… READ MORE ›
New episodes from podcast series A Guide to EU Financial Politics and Policy Development.
The closure of the six Franklin Templeton (FT) schemes last year is, at its core, a failure of risk management, as amply illustrated in the Securities and Exchange Board of India’s (SEBI) recent order. But were these deficiencies specific to one firm, or can we take broader lessons for the Indian fund industry?
We support the formation of an ISSB because its “first principles” are important to the investment community and would address the full range of sustainability factors (i.e., beyond climate change alone) through which investors assess business performance. Crucially, the ISSB also would establish a global sustainability disclosure baseline, bringing coherence to a fragmented ecosystem in which investors have been forced to be multilingual.
The narrative that management and auditor assessment of internal controls of financial reporting is too expensive is a very common, but undemonstrated, narrative regarding virtually every accounting, disclosure, and audit reform. Investors view the benefits of ICFR audits as exceeding the costs.
Our key takeaway from the Consultation is that the UK government’s most significant instrument of reform is an empowered audit regulator, replacing the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) with the new Audit Reporting and Governance Authority (ARGA).
At a recent CFA Institute event, I hosted Erkki Liikanen, Chair of the IFRS Trustees, where he spoke about the efforts of the IFRS Foundation to establish a Sustainability Standards Board (the… READ MORE ›
Our research reviewed how such a transformational interpretation of the role of central banks and their independence in conducting monetary policy could have unintended consequences for financial markets and the economy. CFA Institute also wanted to draw the attention of policy makers to the socioeconomic aspects of this crisis.
Despite unprecedented
economic disruption, the US IPO market hit a record $170 billion in 2020, driven in large part by the unexpected surge in the use
of special purpose acquisition companies
(SPACs) to take private companies public. SPACs,
commonly referred to as blank-check… READ MORE ›
Jon Lukomnik and James Hawley discuss their new book Moving Beyond Modern Portfolio Theory.
A discussion with Steve Lydenberg and William Burckart about their new book 21st Century Investing: Redirecting Financial Strategies to Drive Systems Change.