Views on improving the integrity of global capital markets

Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS)

The Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) are voluntary standards based on the fundamental principles of full disclosure and fair representation of investment performance results. A global standard for investment performance reporting gives investors around the world the additional transparency they need to compare and evaluate investment managers.

How Firms Managing Only Pooled Funds Can Claim GIPS Compliance

The "Guidance Statement on Firms Managing Only Broad Distribution Pooled Funds" addresses how firms that manage only BDPFs can claim compliance with the GIPS standards.

GIPS Compliance by the Numbers

The numbers speak for themselves: GIPS compliance matters!

Saudi Arabia’s Sovereign Wealth Fund Claims GIPS Compliance

Public Investment Fund (PIF), the world’s seventh largest sovereign wealth fund (SWF), has claimed compliance with the CFA Institute Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®).

GIPS Standards Verification Services, Part II: Case Analysis

Which of the newly adopted CFA Institute Standards of Professional Conduct were at issue in the Global Ethics Day Ethics in Practice case?

GIPS Standards Verification Services, Part I: Case Facts

Can you recognize which of the newly adopted CFA Institute Standards of Professional Conduct are at issue in the case?

For Public Comment: Exposure Draft of the Guidance Statement for OCIO Strategies

What are the key elements of the Exposure Draft of the Guidance Statement for OCIO Strategies and what were the circumstances that led to its creation?

How Do Firms Treat Errors in Investment Performance?

CFA Institute voluntary standards provide guidance for firms looking to establish policies for how errors in investment performance should be handled.

Global Investment Performance Standards: Dispelling Compliance Cost, Verification Myths

CFA Institute is updating its Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®), and listening to stakeholders’ needs is key to evolving them to be truly universally applicable to all asset types.

Are There Benefits to Being Compliant with the GIPS Standards?

As CFA Institute celebrates the 30th anniversary of performance standards, there is cause to celebrate that approximately 1,600 firms claim compliance with the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®) and that there are 40+ GIPS Sponsors supporting the GIPS standards…. READ MORE ›

GIPS Sponsors in Asia Pacific Brainstorm Ways to Promote the GIPS Standards

Regional representatives learn more about GIPS 2020 and use design thinking to create action plans for promoting the GIPS standards.

We Want to Hear from You! Proposed GIPS Guidance Statement on Verifier Independence

The independence of a verifier assessing the correctness of performance reports is critical. The new GIPS® guidance statement from CFA Institute further clarifies this important role.

New Resources Available to Help with Understanding and Applying the GIPS Standards

Complying with the GIPS® standards is a significant undertaking with many nuances. Firms and consultants alike often have questions, and the GIPS team works hard to provide resources to help.

The Long-Awaited Pooled Fund Guidance Statement Nearing Release

In a step toward being relevant for all investment vehicles and in response to requests from the industry, new guidance on applying the GIPS® standards to pooled funds will be available soon.

The Evolution of the GIPS Standards: Introducing GIPS 20/20

GIPS 20:20 is the next update of the GIPS standards and the focus is on ensuring that the Standards are relevant for all asset classes and types of asset managers.